DualEx Files 2007 Year End Results

In addition, the Company has announced its entry into Tunisia with its
successful bid on the Bouhajla Block in the northeastern part of the country.
DualEx's bid entails the issuance of a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC")
that would involve a minimum of 100 kilometres of new 2D seismic within the
first two years of the term, and the drilling of a minimum of one exploration
well within the succeeding two years. DualEx will hold 100% of the contractor
share and would be the operator. The issuance of the PSC is subject to
finalization of the detailed terms and Government ratification. This Block
will provide DualEx with its first operated project in an established
hydrocarbon basin with significant potential.

Via [CNW group]

It seems that the south is no more the only place for oil business, after the great discovery and lately production in Tebrsouk, Bouhajla seems to be the second biggest concession of the north.

In Tunisia for decades, 90% of the oil production is located in the south deeper into the desert.

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